Privacy policy

1. Personal information

Sketch Samples Production collects information (such as mailing and e-mail address) about users during their registration for certain sections of our website. We will not disclose this information to third parties and will protect this information. Sketch Samples Production does not offer or allow the selling of any user provided information to third parties.

Users may opt in to receive information about products, services, clinics, presentations, and other news from us by e-mail. Users that do not want to receive information from us by e-mail may opt out at any time.

You can visit our web pages without informing us who you are. When our pages are viewed we automatically register your IP address or the domain name of the user as well as which pages are viewed. We use this information to statistically evaluate the usage of our site by our visitors and to continuously improve our web pages.

Only with your explicit consent do we pass on personal information to third parties (e.g. our distributors).

2. Use of you personal information

We use your information to communicate about orders, products, services and marketing offers for you.

3. Cookies

Cookies help us tailor our web pages to your needs. Cookies are text files containing information which your web browser stores on your computer when you open a web page.

We use this cookie technology to tailor our web pages to your language and preferred areas of interest. If you do not want this, you can simply disable cookies in your browser. Most browsers accept cookies by default but provide you with options to disallow cookies or to show a warning before storing them.

4. Security

We apply technical and organizational security measures to protect personal information from accidental or intended manipulation, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorized persons. We adjust our security measures to align with technological developments and improve them on a continuous basis to ensure the highest possible safety standard.

When we transmit sensitive personal information (such as a credit card number) over the Internet, we protect it through the use of encryption, such as the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

You can contribute towards the security of the personal information stored on our servers by for example safekeeping the passwords to access our services and to not pass them on to third parties without checking, even when these claim to be Sketch Samples Production employees. Sketch Samples Production employees will never ask you for a password.

If there are any questions regarding Sketch Samples or this Policy, please contact Sketch Samples at: